Breathing problems ask for discomfort in breathing and therefore the feeling of being unable to draw complete breath. It can cause you to feel that you simply aren't getting enough air. Mild breathing difficulty, like after a game of tennis, doesn't fall under this category. Consult the expert for treatment for breathing problems.
The most common and obvious symptom is feeling breathless or in need of breath. another symptom of breathing problems to seem out for include:
If breathing difficulty occurs suddenly, seek immediate medical help.
Breathing problems are often caused because of common health concerns or simple environmental issues.
While diagnosing a breathing problem, the pulmonologist will get to identify the underlying explanation for the matter. They will discuss and understand the character of your breathing difficulty – whether it's mild or intense.
Depending on the results of the diagnosis and therefore the cause identified, best treatment for breathing problemsis provided. Treatment methods include:
If the explanation for breathing difficulty may be a stuffy nose, too rigorous exercise or hiking at high altitudes, an equivalent is often easily resolved with some minor lifestyle changes.
If the explanation for your breathing problem is stress, you'll be advised to adopt some coping mechanisms like laughter therapy, moderate exercise, counselling and meditation.
If the underlying explanation for your breathing problem may be a lung or heart disease, appropriate medication and drugs are going to be prescribed. In extreme cases, a breathing device or monitoring at a hospital could also be needed.
Breathing difficulties often indicate an underlying condition that will be quite serious. Hence, it's essential to consult the best expert for treatment for breathing problems. Dr. Abhishek Bali is highly experienced with well-equipped, cutting-edge technology and infrastructure for treatments.
MBBS, MD (Respiratory Medicine)
Consultant- Pulmonary Critical Care & Sleep Medicine